Saturday, November 28, 2009

Eye Relief

Last night was one of the roughest nights I've had with GD. My eyes were so inflamed the pain was unbelievable. I can't take certain pain relievers because it can interact with what I'm already taking. I had extreme nausea and I'm not sure if it was due to the pain or due to the fact that I took a Ca/Mg pill and later read that it can interact with my beta blockers. Crap. I'm just going to stick with what I've been doing and add various other supplements etc. after talking to my endo.

It reminded me of being in labour with Kai. I was flashing back to that kind of discomfort.

This morning I got some lubricant eye drops with white petrolatum and mineral oil. Tears Naturale II for day and DuoLube for night. My eyes feel so slippery and lubricated...I didn't realize how bad they were. As for the pain behind my eyes, the inflammation, it usually starts getting bad around 3pm...we will see.

So thankful that it is winter time and overcast. I just went for a walk without sunglasses:) So thankful that we have NOTHING on our agenda this weekend for the first time in probably a year and that Gary is home all weekend. Phew.

I can see that I could very easily get depressed over all of this. I keep going with the hope that remission is there and I will reach it and in one year I will be normal for some time. That's my desire, hope and prayer.

This disease, left untreated, can be deadly. I need to watch out for thyroid storms which can be brought on by stress or infection. So, if you see me madly sanitizing my hands, that is why. I can't get sick.

For some reason my goiter has doubled in size in just one week.

Okay, on with the day....


  1. Sorry to hear that :(
    Hang in there!!

  2. I have been thinking about you all day. I'll pray for you again tonight.
    take care, Maria
