Friday, July 23, 2010

New Symptom: Dizziness

It started 4 days ago and I thought it was because I had been rocking on a kayak. It's not vertigo because I'm not spinning, I just feel like I'm rocking all the time. It's especially bad when I'm standing, I'm almost unsteady on my feet. I called my endocrinologist and she is sending me for a cortisol test when I get back from holidays. She said in the meantime just eat and drink enough and don't drive. Um, okay, we're on a long road trip.
My blood pressure is low but not super low (93/58) and heart rate is nice and low too (yippee!).
I am getting the cold that the kids have so I wonder if an infection is brewing in my ears?
We were supposed to be hiking in 2 days but I don't know that I can hold Koen safely in the Ergo. GRRRRRRR.
Just when things start settling down...
Dizziness does occur with Graves' Disease but usually with a bunch of other symptoms such as heart palpitations. Ah yes, keeping me on my toes!

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Blood Test

My TSH is still less than 0.01 and my free T4 is now 14 which is just getting lower which explains my 10lb weight gain right around my middle. I just don't like it because my clothes don't fit properly and I'm just so....soft. Yuck. Oh well. It's just so crazy that my TSH remaines so low and that my T4 has gone down too. My antibodies are driving my thyroid NUTS. Still happy to be feeling quite normal, besides my weight and feeling jittery in the morning before my PTU (antithyroid meds). I'm sure turning 32 next month isn't helping with the belly:)