Friday, December 11, 2009


I've been off all my meds for 5 days and am feeling better and better each day. I am still waiting patiently for a blood test next week. Hoping that the TSH and freeT4 levels will be able to indicate if it really was PPT or Graves' or Hashimoto's or what. With the thyroid involved, can you ever be 100% sure what's going on? I'm feeling 80% positive that it is PPT which means I will get better without meds, surgery, radiation etc.
What a roller coaster to re-evaluate your life. Like I haven't had enough of those?!
Reason for everything, this I know.
Definitely going to be trying to have a much more stress-free kind of life.
In the meantime, I'm enjoying the lack of pill popping. Just a multivitamin and probiotic and I'm good to go!
I'll keep ya posted.

1 comment:

  1. That's great that you are feeling better! I sure hope this continues for you. It must be hard waiting but it seems you have a lot of people praying for you.
