Friday, December 18, 2009

How Am I?

I have no idea. I don't know if I feel sick from a cold, woman hormone stuff, eye disease or my thyroid. Hypo? Hyper? I don't know what symptoms to attribute to what. I don't know if I'm still getting better but just really getting hit hard by a cold that has elevated my heart rate?
I called the endocrinologist today. Office is closed Friday afternoons. Great. I'm assuming I'm in a healthy-ish range or they would've called yesterday...right?! Right?!
I've been putting steroid drops in my eyes from Dr. R. They cleared up the redness overnight. The steroids work to decrease inflammation. My eyes are still dry and gritty and sore. Oh well, at least they don't look bad:)
Have a great weekend. I'm confused:)


  1. I thought you were gonna find out if it was PPT today or Graves?
    I was getting ready to pop some champagne!

  2. Sorry to hear you are feeling so crappy, Louise. We are thinking of you lots, and keeping our fingers crossed for PPT!

  3. oh man, how frustrating. so hard to not even know what to attribute these symptoms to. i'm going to pray for you right now.
