Saturday, January 30, 2010


Today I took 20mg of beta blockers and then one hour later went for a short jog. It worked for the first time! I ran 5 min, walked for 1 min, and then ran 5 more. My heart rate was totally realistic (maybe 170's). I hope to try again this week.
One thing I have noticed from doing the yoga is that I am abnormally sore for 2 days afterwards. Graves' causes muscle weakness, which can be particularly more noticeable in the large muscles of your arms and legs, and I really feel it. Not complaining...just an observation.
My eyes are slowly getting worse again. It's time for a blood test again this week. I'm curious what my results will be due the fact that I'm back on my meds and on a lower dose.
Overall, still feeling 85%. I have a feeling that 85% might be my new 100%. I'm so glad that I crammed as much as I could into my first 31 years:)


  1. You ran!!! That must have felt so freeing for you!

  2. Congrats on your run! I also get really sore muscles after yoga, especially when I first get back into it after a long break - I think part of the beauty of yoga is that you work the muscles way harder than you realize that you are. Which is then probably compounded by the muscle weakness caused by Graves? Anyways, so glad to hear that you are finding sustainable ways to be active again!
