Thursday, April 8, 2010

Good News, Bad News

I'll start with the good news! My eyes are fine. Yes, some muscle inflammation below my eyes that makes it hard to look up and still the dryness but other than that, they are perfect! I just have to remember to keep lubricating and make sure I blink enough when I"m on the computer:)

Bad news is the ophthalmologist made me feel stupid for being there. He's the one that told me to come back in 3 months after he had seen me last time. He made me feel like my doctor or I had made the appointment because we were concerned about my eyes. He made me feel like I was wasting his time. I do not like that feeling. He is a nice guy, I just felt bad.

So back to the good....I'm feeling good! Dare I say that in the past week I ran 15 minutes straight two times?!! I know, not much, but for me, I got to sweat for the first time in MONTHS. My face was pink and sweaty but my heart rate was normal (I had taken a beta blocker). Yippee for sweating!


  1. I guess I should give you Jillian back, eh? :) Glad to hear you got to sweat!

  2. sorry he made you feel stupid for being there - that's too bad :(
    GREAT news that you ran!!! must have felt so good :)
