Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Not Surprised

Hey all. So, I went to the endocrinologist today and here is what I learned:

1. She believes that I DO have Graves' Disease. Do you understand why I didn't get super excited when they said it might be just PPT? Seriously lady, you're making me crazy! I really do like her, I think the thyroid is just really hard to understand.

2. The reason she believes it is Graves' Disease because:
a. I have the antibodies
b. If it was PPT, when I went hypothyroid, I should've stayed there and not gone back up to hyperthyroid, which I am now.

3. I will see her again in 2 months and she predicts I will be feeling even better then.

4. I am back on my meds. Grrr. Sad face. Seriously?! Good thing I never threw them out. I will only be taking 1/3rd the dose as she hasn't seen someone respond so drastically as I did. I think she felt very bad that I went so hypothyroid and had chest pains for a week. Oh man, those chest pains were very, very BAD.

5. Remember my nail? It's actually the healthy nail growing in and the raised part is the unhealthy, brittle nail. She said, `Wow, I don't usually see that!'.

6. I am going to be trying to exercise by taking my beta blockers and then waiting 20 minutes and then going out for a jog. My body is so weak, I really need to get some level of fitness back.

And then, on the way home, our van's `check engine' light started flashing. What the heck? Seriously. We just put $5500.00 into that stupid van.

Oh well, off to take some pills.


  1. Boo! What a roller coaster ride, eh? Hope you feel better - soon!

  2. So frustrating that you keep getting different answers. Hopefully regardless of the diagnosis you will be feeling better soon. You must be itching to get out for a run. I hope that you are able, even just for that bit of time to clear your head and feel those good endorphins!

  3. I'm sorry to hear this news. I can imagine how disappointed you must have felt, even though you had braced yourself for it. My prayer tonight is that you'll be able to do some running. And that your check engine is just blinking cuz it's time for an oil change or some other relatively cheap reason. In addition to the long term prayers for healing!
