Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Latest Endocrinologist Visit

It was good. I felt good. She says that I have two different types of antibodies affecting my thyroid; one that stimulates and one that inhibits. The stimulating one is in control right now keeping my TSH less than 0.01. Once I can get my TSH in a normal range, I need to maintain that for 6 months and then come off of my meds. If it never gets in the normal range, it is safe to take my meds forever. I was worried that she was going to say that I would need radiation or something. PHEW! Only side effect of the meds is that it could lower my white blood cells which is dangerous if I get sick/fever etc. So far, so good! The only random lingering weird symptom is the intermittent chest pain. Usually it only lasts maybe a minute a day but if it goes for 10 minutes, I'm supposed to go to the doctor. I have to say that I am feeling better than I've felt the last 10 months. Awesome. I'm only on 50mg PTU/day (I started at 3X50mg PTU day).

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