I was going to have a post about what a waste of money the ridiculous naturopath was that I saw this morning (so rude, condescending, expensive....and I let everyone in the office know it too-oops!). However, I have gone from tears and frustration onto an immense amount of hopefulness because....
When I got home from the jerky naturopath, there was a message on the machine from my endocrinologist. She said that my recent blood tests show that I have a bad case of HYPOthryoidism right now and need to get off my meds now. That would explain my goiter growth and my eyes having such a hard time. My meds have slowed down my thyroid too much. MORE IMPORTANTLY, SHE SAID I MAY BE HEALED. SHE SAID I MAY HAVE HAD POST PARTUM THYROIDITIS THIS ENTIRE TIME. I asked about the antibodies that were present and she said I might just be `an interesting case'. She also said that if I had/have PPT I should not have been on PTU (my meds) which I hope had no damaging effects to me.
I will be off my meds for one week and then take another blood test. She said buy the champagne and be prepared to drink it in one week. Here are the thoughts that went through my head in the first 2 minutes after hearing all of this:
-I don't believe it
-I need to believe it. There is hope!!
-I want to go for a run!
-I'm going to be normal?!
-(insert some kind of swear words)
-Thank you God!
-I feel so bad for the people that really do have Graves' Disease and have to live this way their entire life
-Please, please, please let this be true!
-cry, cry, cry
-I can't believe I might be normal!
-I want to go for a run
-I can't go off my meds, I'm scared that I will relapse
-I might be almost better?!
-I need to know what's up with my so I can let the people working on my long term disability know!
-Should I be hopeful? I bet it really is Graves' and I'm excited for nothing.
-I really feel bad for people who have Graves', or any other lifetime illness, without a cure.
So, here are some prayer requests if you are the praying type. If not, please remember that next week I will go for blood tests on Tuesday and hopefully by Friday we will know!
Pray that:
1. That it is post partum thyroiditis and I will be healed!
2. That my heart, body and eyes will heal. My heart still feels very strained and seconds away from a heart attack. I don't know if it's the meds or my thyroid or what.
3. If I am normal, that I transition well into whatever role that may be. My job is now `gone' and we are starting the process of looking into a local adoption.
Woohoo!! Thank you God. Hopeful. Thankful. A little scared.